I'm so glad you could join me! Hope you had a wonderful holiday :) Let's dive right in, shall we?When did you know
you wanted to be a writer?
I have journals starting back from when I was
ten or twelve years old. I used to write a lot of poetry and short stories.
Writing has always been a part of me, but I never sat down to write a book
until a couple of years ago. So, I guess, I discovered I wanted to be a writer
Love it! That's pretty much how I was :) What has been the
most difficult part about being a writer?
Balancing my day job, family, and
writing. I basically have two careers now. It’s insane. And now, building an
author platform/online presence. It’s tough because these days you can’t just
be a writer. Somehow, that has translated into being a marketing specialist,
which I’m terrible at.
I couldn't agree more! When I set out to write a book initially, I thought 'hey I write a book and it magically will be awesome!' Yeah not so much LOL. I knew before I started putting myself out there in June I'd have to be a PR wizard but I never knew how hard it would be!! Who are your
favorite authors?
Some of my favorite Urban Fantasy authors include Stacia
Kane and Jim Butcher. I have to mention Anne Rice because, when you think about
it, she’s really one of the first, in modern times, with Lestat. I also like
Joyce Carol Oates, and, right now, Bill Willingham who writes the wonderful
Fables comic books, taking fairytale characters and bringing them into our
world. He did this way before the tv shows, etc., and he does an amazing job of
breathing new life into these characters and giving them these incredible
personalities. I mean, Cinderella is basically the Fables superspy, a James
Bond type. And he doesn’t limit his reach to the traditional characters, but
also explores the Arabian Knights stuff, Japanese fables, etc.
Those are some fantastic authors :) Seriously love that you say Cinderella is the Fables super spy LOL. What authors
inspire you?
I’m actually inspired quite a bit by horror authors: Ray
Bradbury, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe, Ambrose Bierce, Stephen King, Clive Barker, Dean
Koontz. And Bram Stoker. I mean if you read Dracula, some of his writing blows
me away. Dracula says to Jonathan Harker: It
is old, and has many memories, and there are bad dreams for those who sleep
unwisely. Horror writers are good
with creating mood and atmosphere because that’s an important part of imparting
the fear. I try to incorporate that in my Urban Fantasy, I mean, we are talking
about zombies and other supernatural beings. That’s creepy. I’m waiting for
that great horror story idea to pop in my head so I can write it.
Those are such amazing authors, they must be a wealth of inspiration for you! Do you like to
plan your scenes out or do you just wing it?
I wing it first. I write the
core of the scene first, that bit of dialog or interaction between the
characters, or internalization if it’s a one character scene, that gets to the
heart of the conflict for that scene, then I fill in the rest later.
Woot! Always love meeting my fellow pantser :) What type of books
do you like to read?
I’ll read just about anything if it sounds like a good
story. I do enjoy a good romance J,
both paranormal and historical. Horror, but good atmospheric stuff, not torture
porn stuff. I recently read some Lisa Gardner and think she does an amazing job
with writing suspense. I enjoy a good fantasy read, have read Tolkien, and the
Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth series among others. I’m also a big comic book
geek as noted above. I’m going to start reading the Brian Lumley Necroscope
books. I don’t know why I haven’t read them yet, given they’re about a necromancer.
And love a good nonfiction survival story like The Savage Mountain, about an
expedition that went to hell trying to climb the K2 mountain in 1953. I think I
find reading about the combination of sheer will and ingenuity that pushes
someone to survive under such extreme conditions.
I adore how diverse your interests are. My are sadly not nearly as diverse and I probably miss out on some wonderful stories. What do you like
to do in your free time?
What? LOL. I play with my four year old. He has
such a great imagination, hmmmm, maybe he’ll be a writer. Exercise. Being a
writer is tough on the body, sitting and writing.
OMG, kids have the most amazing imaginations! I wish I could bottle it up for when I need a new story idea lol. Where is your
favorite place to vacation?
I love the beach. I grew up in Florida with an
abundance of water, and now live in Phoenix, AZ, the complete opposite. So we
take trips to see the ocean, either in California, Mexico, or Florida. The
ocean soothes my soul.
Squeeeee! Love the beach!! Sorry, I'm in landlocked PA so whenever I see beach I spazz just a little bit hehehe. Do you have any
special holiday traditions?
LOL. This year we were lucky to put up a tree.
Just spending time with family, drinking hot cocoa. We’re going to see The
Hobbit. Can’t wait.
You mean I wasn't the only one who kept putting off putting it up? LOL! Good to know ;) Why did you
choose to write urban fantasy?
I think Urban Fantasy chose me J.
But I’ve always been fascinated by the strange and unusual and like exploring
how supernatural characters deal with living in the “normal” world and how
being supernatural gives that person glimpses into the strange and unusual,
which I love.
Love it! That's sort of what I do. Don't you think life would be so much more exciting if the supernatural coexisted with us in reality?! Why did you
choose to write about a necromancer? Can you tell us more about the
I became really interested in writing about a paranormal
character that has this crazy power, control of the dead, and how that affects
her humanity. And that’s what I’m trying to explore in the books. Ruby’s (my
necromancer protagonist) power almost has a mind of its own and influences her
in negative ways. And there are definitely limits set, lines that a necromancer
should never cross, because it warps them, so it’s fun to explore what happens
to her when she crosses those lines. In my mythology, without giving too much
away, necromancers were born from the interference of the demons in the human
realm. They have the ability to reanimate the dead, create zombies and revenants. Those are the
basic powers, but I expand beyond those abilities, which plays into the
necromancer/demon mythology, but that’s about all I can say.
Fantastic! There just aren't enough necromancers in books today so I love the creativity of having one as your protagonist :) What has been the
most fun about working on your books?
Those moments of inspiration when
that idea comes to you and everything clicks. Also, coming up with those fun,
quirky ideas. I have a sentient deck of Tarot cards in my book. That was a fun
scene to write because “her” personality was very clear to me. And I enjoy
editing. I’m a “cleaner” by nature. I have to empty my e-mails on a regular
basis, get rid of clutter in the house. When I edit, I look at it as getting
rid of the clutter in the manuscript.
You know, you're so right about when everything clicks. A sentient deck of Tarot cards?! Now I have to read this for sure lol. As for being a cleaner, how about you come over to my house sometime? I have plenty of clutter I need help with lmao. What has been the
hardest scene for you to write?
Probably the final confrontation scene with
the bad guy and explaining how Ruby used her power to defeat him and justify
the actions she took, which result in serious repercussions for Ruby in Book
Ooo I'm intrigued. Note to self, start this book ASAP! Do you have any
favorite characters?
One is a vampire named Lysander. He is
attracted to Ruby and that may come into play later, but one of the things I’ve
enjoyed doing with my characters is to not make them black or white, but to
explore the gray areas. They all have to make horrible choices based their
allegiances to their own supernatural race and past events. Lysander is going
to change throughout the series, whether it’s for the better or worse remains
to be seen. And he and Ewan have some delicious clashes J in the second book. I
really also love my revenant, Adam. A revenant is basically an uber-zombie with
control of their mental faculties and very dangerous. He’s pretty pissed off
when Ruby reanimates him. Even though he was murdered, death gave him peace
from a terrible event. So it sucks when he wakes from death and is once again
confronted with the horrible emotions from that trauma. And I can’t leave out
my hero, Ewan. He’s so sexy (of course, right?) and tortured. He’s totally
Alpha demon, but he has always desired Ruby from afar, and I think it’s quite
wonderful how he treats her with incredible sensitivity. Ruby is not a kick ass
heroine who wears stilettos, but she is strong and independent and very
powerful. He tries to respect her space as much as he can while also trying his
best to protect her and get in her pants!!
Can I just say that all of your characters sound so fantastic? How did you come
up with the premise for the
Necromancer Series?
It came from the characters. It’s very character
driven. I’m quite the pantser when I start writing. I tend to plot later. But I
knew I wanted demons and for Ruby’s love interest to be a demon. That got the
ball rolling. So where do they demons come from? Not hell, because they’re not
really demons, which leads to other interesting things about them that I can’t
tell you. And I wanted the revenant Ruby raised to be a witch, so that led to
other questions. Her best friend is also a witch, so what role do the witches
play in all this? So it all snowballed from the characters.
I think that's awesome and damn you for making me dying to read this now! Hah, I made a funny! Get it dying? Necromancer? Ok sorry, I'm not medicated yet ;) Can you tell us
more about the world in which The
Necromancer’s Seduction is set?
It’s set in San Francisco, current
time, but much of its centers around how a race of demons have influenced the
human realm, including Ruby. I have vampires, witches, the usual suspects, but
while they are all part of the chess board, the story really centers around
Ruby and the demons. I also have some fun, and some nasty, demon creatures
interspersed throughout and they were fun to write. The first book contains
brief forays into the demon realm, but the second and third books will have
more scenes in the demon realm, and those were interesting to write, to create
another world that’s different.
I love that it's set in San Francisco because I don't get to read too many books set in that city. Usually it's LA, New York, Chicago, etc. When will The Necromancer’s Seduction be released?
Around June of 2013, hopefully sooner.
Squeee!! *Races to calendar to mark it down* How many books
are you planning in your series and what can we expect from the series?
Three books. The next one is the Necromancer’s Betrayal and third one is The
Necromancer’s Redemption. We can expect betrayal, redemption, LOL, more angst,
zombie rats… J
But ultimately for Ruby to learn more about the history of necromancers and how
that will affect her as a supernatural person and her relationships with the
people she cares about.
LOL love those titles! Wait, zombie rats?! Eeek! What's next for
I have a draft of a pirate historical I’d like to get out next year
because I love me some pirate swagger, and I have an idea for another Urban
Fantasy series that draws from Japanese mythology. Can’t wait to start writing
that one.
Wow, you're going to be on my must buy list, I can just feel it :) Well, we are unfortunately out of time which is so unfair considering now I'm dying to hear about that pirate historical lol. Anything else you
want your readers to know?
Still being an avid reader myself, I appreciate
good characters and I hope that’s what people take from my stories.
Thank you so much for stopping by Mimi! It has been a blast learning more about you and your book *hugs*
Thanks so much for the interview. I enjoyed it immensely. I’m amazed by your
energy and enthusiasm! And all the best to everyone for a great 2013!
The Necromancer's Seduction
She has never feared the walking dead. It’s the power required to reanimate the dead that startles her, seduces her. The power that dwells inside her…and is growing.

Now demonic creatures have escaped into the human world, and zombies once again walk the streets. For humanity’s sake, Ruby forms an unlikely alliance with a witch, a zombie, and Ewan March, a demon warrior who sets her senses on fire. She’s always distrusted demons and Ewan is no exception, but circumstances push them closer together, and Ruby not only finds it harder to resist him, she isn’t sure she even wants to. But she suspects his job of patrolling the portal separating humans and demons conceals a dark and deadly past that may consume them both.
With events spiraling out of control, Ruby unravels a plot that not only threatens the human and demon realms, but puts Ruby’s very soul in jeopardy. Because when the dead walk, no one is safe. Especially Ruby.
Mimi Sebastian
raised myself on books and the strange and unusual with an unhealthy dose of
Scooby Doo. Loving angst-filled romance thrown in the mix, I decided to blend
all those elements in a steamy mix in my first Urban Fantasy series. I also
love pirates and have a pirate book coming out next year.
spent two years in the Ivory Coast with the Peace Corps and love to introduce
tid- bits from my experiences in my writing. I'm a member of Romance Writers of
America and the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA. I attempt to
balance writing with my day career and family in the desert of Phoenix, AZ.
Connect with Mimi:
Great interview. It is nice getting to know new authors and their upcoming releases. This is moving to the top of my "to be read" list.
ReplyDeleteThanks Virginia!
DeleteGreat interview, Mimi.