Grab your coffee or tea and let's get to know Honey and find out more about Inheritance Rising, shall we?
Honey, I'm so glad you could join me today, especially with it being your release day! I can't tell you how excited I am for you :) Let's dive right in because I cannot wait to hear more about you and your newest release! So,
when did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I think I always knew, even when I was just barely able to hold a pencil/crayon I would tell stories with pictures.
Oh wow that's just awesome! What has been the most difficult part about being a writer?
The learning curve. Even on a college level they don’t teach you what you do after you have that contract in hand, or hit that final approval button on that EBook, etc. It is almost impossible to prepare yourself for the immense amount of work that comes after, not to mention the roller coaster ride as you get your bearings as you learn. To make things even more complicated each writer’s journey is almost always different.
OMG I know!! Nobody could have really prepared me for the sheer amount of work involved in publishing a book haha. I always thought it was straightforward, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Who are your favorite authors?
Steven King for his persistence, flexibility and down to earth attitudes. Ray Bradbury for his voice, rhythm and I can associate with him in that he knew, from the very beginning exactly what he was and became a writer despite incredible odds.
Those are both fantastic authors, such talent in them both! What authors inspire you?
Ray Bradbury was very poor, so he taught himself in a University library. His first novels were written in half hour sprints in the basement of that library on a rented typewriter. It was a dime for a half hour, so he’d put in his dime and type like a mad man. He faced such adversity in a time when succeeding was so incredibly difficult (1930s) and did what he loved despite it all. To top that he is a timeless classic in a category all his own.
Wow, I never knew that about him. That is amazing and beyond inspiring. Do you like to plan your scenes out or do you just wing it?
I often say that writing is part telepathy, part creativity and part of it is just a magic all it’s own. I don’t know where it comes from and that mystery is not one I want to solve. Knowing might ruin it. It’s an addiction I don’t care to cure.
I'm dead serious when I say, that's perhaps my favorite answer to that question ever. <3 What type of books do you like to read?
Paranormal suspense, sometimes with romance. Ghost stories, strange stories and stuff that makes you think.
My kinds of books! Love ghost stories :) We'll have to chat about those sometime! What do you like to do in your free time?
Free time, what free time? Lol. Writing and the resulting marketing and PR work pretty much takes up everything I have. Occasionally I get to garden and I got camping a few times a year alone to write.
LOL I know right? One day one of us will have free time, I'm convinced! Where is your favorite place to vacation?
The deep woods. I go camping a few times a year alone for up to six days at a time to write. Its peaceful, no interruptions, phones, internet, nada. Just me and the story.
Ok, I can appreciate the peacefulness but I have never been big on camping. I'm too worried about bugs and spiders getting in my stuff LOL. Thanksgiving is right around the corner (where has the time gone??) Do you have any special Thanksgiving traditions?
I used to prepare a big family dinner and have the whole family over, but I don’t really have any family left now. So I eat turkey and work on the latest project with a few alcoholic beverages.
Aww I'm sorry hon *hugs* That's more or less how I end up spending my Thanksgiving too really. Let's change the subject to something happier :) Inheritance Rising is the second book in your series. Can you tell us more about the first, Soul Inheritance?
Soul Inheritance is the first book in the series. I really enjoyed this book in that the heroine of the story really finds herself throughout her journey and becomes a strong female figure. My stories really take on a life of their own while they are being written. Sometimes they even surprise me, this whole series has been this way. The book was well received everywhere it went, but I was in that learning curve we were talking about earlier, so it didn’t get the jump out the gate it would have otherwise. The story is very fresh and avoids the typical paranormal things we see too much of in the mainstream.
I have Soul Inheritance, but I confess I haven't had time to finish it yet :( Damn you work! Paranormal suspense is one of my favorite genres. Why did you choose to write it?
It’s just in my blood. From the earliest I could remember I used to listen to ghost stories and other paranormal stuff being told in all sorts of ways (I come from a culture strong with them). It was only natural that my mind would take those things and run with them, often in directions I’ve never heard of before.
Like I said before, we must talk about ghosts sometime hon. It's always best when an author is so drawn to a genre because I really think that passion translates so well to the writing. What has been the most fun about working on your books?
Watching them being born on the page the first time around and seeing the absolutely last, finished, last time I’ll touch it draft before it steps out into the often cruel world.
Since I'm rapidly approaching that point, I think you may be right ;) So, how do you come up with the premise for your books?
Wow, this is a hard one. My ideas come from all sorts of places. This series began with a sound. In the 90s they released a tape of wolves talking to each other (for those young ens out there – a tape was a recording device that was used before CDs, quite ancient). That brought them into my mind’s eye and a scene was born, one that was actually near the end of the book. From that the entire story built on it’s own in both directions.
That's so cool that it all started with a sound! Amazing how that works sometimes. What has been the hardest scene for you to write?
Sex scenes always, but in the first book there is a rape scene that was very hard to write. Had it not been essential to the storyline and the characterization of the rapist I wouldn’t have ever attempted it for personal reasons. In the end though, writing the really hard things is what teaches you the most about your own writing and your own capabilities. I’ve had more than a few comments that it was well handled.
I commend you on being able to write that because I'm not sure I'd be able to. *hugs* Do you have any favorite characters from your books?
I think my bad guys are always my most interesting. I have to work the hardest on them. It is my personal policy in my work that a bad guy cannot be a bad guy for the sake of being bad. He/She has to have a good reason for being who/what they are, even the creatures themselves. Everything has a purpose, something that makes it what it is or who it is and bad guys are no exception.
Who doesn't love a good villain? They can be so intriguing and can make or break a story. Can you give us a little insight into Inheritance Rising?
I was pleasantly surprised that this book took on a whole new dimension than the first. It really fleshed out the history behind this family’s legacy and why she doesn’t just walk away. The heroine has a way of inspiring those around her to care too, developing a whole new family atmosphere from the one that she had to overcome. While she is rebuilding the family, she is rebuilding the family’s ancestral home, which is very symbolic of her own rebirth, the reestablishment of the family line and the powerbase itself. In some ways it’s a journey I have been on myself, having renovated several very old homes and renovating my own spirit in the process after devastating family losses. These books really do have a large piece of myself in them, more so than anything I’ve ever written.
And that right there now makes me crave having your book in my grubby little hands. Doesn't this sound so good, lovelies? I have to know, would readers be able to start with Inheritance Rising, or is it best to read Soul Inheritance first?
I try to always write in a way that each book can stand alone. So they don’t have to, though it is helpful to understand just how far she has come to read the Soul Inheritance first. It helps explain how she has become the person she is as she is a budding Matriarch in the second book and trying to find the balance between her own needs and the requirements of yielding her growing power and the responsibilities that go with that.
That's awesome that you try to write that way. It's always a little harder I think when a series is heavily dependent on the previous books. Even if you read them in order, sometimes you forget details and it just gets muddled. Well, we are starting to run low on time :( But tell us, what's next for you?
Book three is in the works, but there is a rewrite on the table as well that I’m hoping to get out there. I also have a family drama that I am marketing, but not terribly aggressively as I’m very busy at the moment. The third book isn’t titled yet, but the rewrite is titled West Virginia Wild Things, but I am considering changing that to the shorter “Woodsbooger” in honor of a name I found out is a local favorite for the basis of the creature in the book. I’d like to know what your readers think? Wild Things fits well, but is too overused as a title I’m afraid.
Squee!! You hear that lovelies? She has not one but two books in the works! Gotta love a prolific writer!! Thank you so much Honey, I've truly loved having you. Before you head off, is there anything else you want your readers to know?
I try very hard to keep things as original as possible and I love reader feedback, both good and bad. I like to know how things are being interpreted, so please, feel free to contact me on my author page and share constructive comments.
Well my lovelies, I hope you've enjoyed meeting the fantabulous Honey Hutson!! Don't forget, Soul Inheritance is book one, and Inheritance Rising comes out TODAY!! Read on for the blurb, buy links, and a little bio on Honey!
Inheritance Rising...Buy it Now!!
Katherine has won against an evil that ruled her family for hundreds of years, but the war is far from over. As she settles into her Victorian home and it’s endless renovations she begins to discover that being a budding Matriarch is not so easy. With the McKlannen name comes a stigma she must overcome and a dark responsibility that threatens to consume the entire family line. But a gathering has begun and she must unravel the clues to find out who are friends and who are enemies.
Buy Soul Inheritance on Amazon! Paperback version also available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc!!
Meet Honey A. Hutson!!
Ms. Hutson grew up in the mountains of Virginia, which bear incredible influence on most of her work. She enjoys a rural life with lots of wild life, interesting people and inspirational circumstances! The mountains are not without their dark side, with folk stories, superstitions and even a few roaming monsters here and there to feed the imagination and the pen.
Most of her work walks on the dark side. Paranormal suspense/thrillers (with a little romance thrown in here and there), creature features, tantalizing ghost stories and legends. Each is brought into the light and into the lives of everyday characters to haunt even the brightest day time efforts to put the story away long after it's been read.Dark Poetry holds a small place among these efforts. There's always room for variation, however, as Ms. Hutson writes the occasional family drama, brings oral histories and folk tales to the written page, essays on every imaginable subject and even an occasional article on interesting or successful characters.
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Fabulous interview! Can't wait to check out the book!!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great interview. Now I'm going to have to get the first book so I can then get the second book. they sound good.