Be sure to grab your copy of Love Claus! At just $0.99 it's a bargain :)
Genevieve is donating $15 for every $100 in royalties to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Disease Research!!
Hey Genevieve! First of all, I have LOVED getting to know you! :) Second of all, freaking loved your book but we'll get to that later haha. When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
When I was little, I used to write stories about turtles and bunnies, so I’ve always been a writer at heart I guess. But, in High School I was bullied quite a bit and the stories were the only way for me to express my feelings. In fact, I started out killing the bullies, but eventually I evolved into more subtle revenge lol. So, I guess you could say I’ve always been meant to be a writer.
OMG that's awesome. Who doesn't love turtles and bunnies :D What has been the most difficult part about being a writer?
I’m not sure really. Since it’s my passion, there really isn’t any difficult part, but to be realistic I suppose there are parts that I love more than others. Being self published, the promotion is a tad bit more challenging, but I find ways.
For me, promoting definitely tops my list of hardest things. Who are your favorite authors?
Nora Roberts, Lora Leigh, Darynda Jones, James Patterson, and Christy Parks top my list.
Those are all awesome authors :) What authors inspire you?
Richard Castle
You know, I haven't read any of the books but I freaking ADORE "Castle." See? Even more reason you're awesome :) Do you like to plan your scenes out or do you just wing it?
When I started, I winged it, but now I have my very own murder board!
That's interesting how your style changed. Having a murder board has got to be fun though! What type of books do you like to read?
I read mostly anything, but romance and paranormal are my favorites.
Those are my two favorite genres. What do you like to do in your free time?
Free time? What’s that? Lol… In addition to being a writer, I am also a photographer, crafter, artist, and am studying for my Paralegal degree.
LOL I know right? It's fun to still ask that question but I should know by now that none of us actually has any free time. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
You've been to Ireland?! And you've never told me?! I MUST SEE PICTURES! Sorry, Ireland's a little obsession of mine. I'm dying to go one day. We're technically past the holiday season but since this is a holiday themed book I've got to ask anyway. Do you have any special holiday traditions?
Not really, except my mom and I put up the Christmas tree on Black Friday and take it down on my birthday.
I have a confession. My Christmas tree is still up lol. Why did you choose to write a holiday romance?
Christmas is my favorite time of year and I still believe in Santa Claus, even at the age of 25.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with believing in Santa Claus. Santa is awesome. What has been the most fun about working on your books?
The beginning. There’s no other feeling like looking at that blank canvas and waiting to paint with your words.
Alright see here's where we differ. The beginnings are by far the hardest part for me. What has been the hardest scene for you to write?
In Love Claus specifically… I’d have to say it was the first scene with the Reindeer.
It may have been hard to write but it was great :) Do you have any favorite characters?
Santa is my favorite character in Love Claus, because he isn’t like the traditional Santa. He’s conning, sneaky, and just a little bit naughty.
Being just a bit naughty is so much fun! Tell us more about The Naughty North Pole :)
The North Pole isn’t all snowflakes and candy canes as you would think. There are some naughty behind the scenes moments that you’d never expect.
Lovelies, you're going to love Genevieve's take on The North Pole :) Trent is very sexy. Is he based on anyone in particular?
Yes, Trent is based on a real person, but unfortunately I’m not allowed to divulge the info :)
Oh, you're just cruel :P Do you plan to write any more holiday (not necessarily Christmas) themed stories?
I am going to be writing a book in the Naughty North Pole Novels every Christmas until everyone’s story is told. As for other holidays, you never know. I love all the holidays, as you can tell, and if the opportunity arises I just might. I’m thinking St. Patrick’s Day, but don’t tell anyone ;-)
Don't worry, your secret's safe with me! Tell us a bit about your other books please.
A Mother’s Day Murder: Donna’s Story and A Father’s Day Fatality: Tigria’s Story were my first born babies. They are both mystery romances and take place on the Chokey Reservation. They have everything I love, Native American men, cops, and suspense.
Hear that lovelies? More books to check out! What's next for you?
I am working on the second and third books in the Naughty North Pole Novels and then I am also working on the first book in a series called The Birds of Paradise.
Well I for one can't wait to see more from you Genevieve!! Anything else you want your readers to know?
Not really, I just want them to know that I am very grateful for their support!
Thank you so much for joining me today! It has been a pleasure to get to know you better :)
Review of Love Claus
About the book:
Price: $0.99
Length: 78 pages
Length: 78 pages
Genre: Romance
Description (from
Cindy Gingerman loves the Christmas holiday, but sometimes she feels like she’s the only one. Her parents don’t celebrate, her best friend would rather be in Tahiti than watch the snow fall, and Cindy’s been single for a while. What a depressing Christmas.
Until, Trent shows up at her door dressed like Santa and holding a tree. Something draws her to him and she lets him into her home and her head…Now, the only question is, will she let him into her heart as well?Trent Claus knew that Cindy was his destined bride. From the moment he saw her, there was no denying it. The only challenge he had to face was getting her to believe it as well. Can he do it?“Sweet Cindy…”He believes he can, until his father falls ill and he has to move his plans along a lot faster than expected. What will Cindy think of his little town and the truth of who he is?Will she run like his ex-girlfriend had? Or will she stay and make him the luckiest, and happiest, man on Earth?“Please don’t go…”
What I liked:
This was a nice, fast read. At just 78 pages, I was able to zip through it pretty quickly and these days, I just don't have time to read. I hadn't planned on reviewing it so soon but I made the mistake of reading the first couple of pages and was hooked. I generally don't go for pure romance because I'll be honest, they tend to bore me. Luckily, Genevieve kept me entertained throughout and Trent was damn sexy. I'm claiming his as mine. No one else gets him. Mine. But I digress lol. It was well written and despite the fact Christmas was a month ago, it was wonderful to be transported right back into the holiday spirit. Holiday themed books can sometimes be cheesy, but this felt well balanced and I loved it.
Did I mention this was sexy as hell? No? Cause it is. Very sexy. But, Trent is mine. Sorry, ladies, I call dibs ;)
What I didn't like:
Honestly? I can't think of anything I didn't like :)
Overall Verdict: 5/5 Blue Duckies!
If you're looking for a fun, quick, sexy read, look no further! Just because it's no longer Christmas doesn't mean you can't get into the holiday spirit. And let's face it, if The North Pole is this sexy, I'll set aside my hatred of the cold ;)
Meet Genevieve!
Connect with Genevieve:
Thank you for having me Lindsay. This was so much fun and you did such a great job. Technically, I've never been to Ireland, but I've also never taken an actual vacation, so I decided to go with my favorite dream vacation. Ireland is a bit of an obsession for me too! I think I was supposed to be born there, but I missed my mark and was born in Texas instead lol. Thank you so much for the amazing review. It means a lot to me that I got 5 duckies! From you, that's the highest compliment! I love how you're saying that Trent is yours lol... Personally, I'm in love with Garrett, who will be in book #2 :)