Title: The Lioness: A True Love Tale
Genre: YA / Romance
Release Date: February 14, 2014
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/18PmGs1
* Synopsis *
Seventeen-year-old Adria Catarr is a
carefree, stubborn girl with an insatiable sweet tooth. When she stumbles into
Lando Cardé, the incognito prince, during the annual Midsummer Festival and
mistakes his charm for love at first sight, her naïve heart is quickly broken.
Kaidan Sordell, a childhood friend, is there to pick up the pieces
and help Adria mend her wounds. His affection for her has gone unnoticed for so
long that he’s not sure if he’ll ever have the nerve to tell her how he truly
With the last summer before adulthood upon them, Adria and Kaidan
decide to seek out the Temple of the Red Mare. The
legendary tales of it revealing a heart’s truest desire is too tempting for
lovelorn Adria to pass up.
Will she realize, though, that what she’s looking for has been
trekking beside her all along?
“Face it, young’un. She’s your other
“I…I can’t…I mean, I guess I’m just
“What’s so confusing about it? I’m
certain you’ve held her hand before? You’ve made each other laugh despite your
disagreements, yes?” She opened a package of biscotti while he nodded. “You’ve
held her when she cried, correct? For heaven’s sake, you’ve traveled leagues
with her into the back of beyond so she could fulfill a silly dream. The first
thing she asked me when I checked on her was if you were alright. It’s pretty
obvious, if you ask me. You two are as lovely of an item as they come.”
Kaidan swallowed a piece of his biscuit
and countered, “I’m not so certain that things are that simple.”
Sabine arched her brows. “Young’un, have
you hit your head recently or are you always this stupid?”
“W-what do you mean?”
“True love is a journey. It doesn’t
happen overnight. Give and take, push and pull, ups and downs…they’re all part
of the blessing. There’s more to a relationship than kissing and cuddling, you
see. When it comes down to it, though, I think you already figured that out.”
The color drained from Kaidan’s face as
if he had seen a ghost. Was it really possible for the girl of his dreams to
have chosen him? The truth of what she said hit
him like a sidewinder. Were he and Adria really a couple? They had never really
kissed or even broached the matter….
Sabine went on as if she had read his
mind. “I can tell those rusted cogs in your noggin are turning, Kaidan. Trust
me when I tell you that I haven’t become this ancient without learning about
how the world operates. Someday, you’ll see that what you have and how deep
your pockets run don’t mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. It’s who
you are in here that counts.” She tapped his chest. “You have to do more than
make her feel like she’s the most special lady in the world. You have to make
her know it.”
A thought-provoking, hallowed silence
ensued next. Her wisdom had unleashed a thousand possibilities within Kaidan
that he had never dared to imagine.
Kaidan’s shoulders eventually slumped.
“You’re right, Granny Sabine. I’ve never told anyone this and I’m not so sure
that I even want to admit it, but I…I think I’ve loved Adria since we were
children. If anything, this journey has made me fall for her a hundred times
“Ah, young’un.” She coughed. “Don’t make
me question if there’s anything between those ears of yours.”
“I don’t get—”
“Pay close attention, Kaidan. No matter
what comes to be and where you end up, remember this for the rest of your life. Capiche?”
“When you’re meant for each other, you
don’t fall. You rise. You become a better person and go out of your way to wow your
partner. Love always brings you up,
not kicks you down.”
Kaidan knew not how long he
remained motionless with a gaping mouth.
“First you went all dumb on me,
and now you’ve gone mute? Well, that’s okay, young’un. As long as you don’t go
deaf, we won’t have an issue.”
Kaidan snickered. “Uh, sorry.”

*** Social Media Connection ***
Website / Blog: http://www.jakebonsignore.com
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